Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I took Fiona to the vet Monday to get a radiograph so we would know exactly how many puppies to expect.  Well it turns out that getting this done is not nearly as an exacting process as I thought.  The vet said he could definitely see 6 and something that could possibly be another and OBTW she's carrying them up high so another could be hiding up there and then her tummy is full so another could be hiding back there too.  That's just so precise that I can't stand it.

So we wait and see.  In any case the nursery awaits:

Now all I have to do is convince Fiona that she wants to get in there and check it out.  She says she'd rather hang out with Guin.

Notice the green stains on Guin's face?  I planted 2 cherry tomatoes for the dogs in my back yard and they nose around in them to find the tomatoes.  In the process wind up with green faces but they have a great time and love the tomatoes.