Day 11
This has been a week of eating, sleeping and growing. Here's several pictures I took this week at random. If you look closely you'll see the first signs of the spots coming out.
Fiona looks so happy with her babies.
Time for a bath
A late night snack
Mom's off taking a break.
Another visit to the milk bar, never say never again.
Now here are some new head shots and and a few other pictures we took today. Notice how much bigger they are now relative to my hands. When they were born they weighed from 9 to 12 1/4 ounces and today they weighed from 1 pound 6 1/4 to 1 pound 12 1/8 ounces. It takes a lot of trips to the milk bar to gain weight like that.
Finished shopping heading to the check out.
Nap time, see the spots?
One more trip to the milk bar.
That's all for now. The pups should be getting their eyes open in the next few days. Then they will start exploring and playing with each other. Additionally in the next week you will begin to see the spots quite clearly so there will be more pictures.
They are growing so uniformly which is the sign of a healthy mother with plenty of good quality milk! Good job Fi! Thanks for the update.